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City Simulation Software (CSS) for modeling, planning, and strategic assessment of territorial city units

doc. Ing. arch. Jakub Vorel, Ph.D., Ing. arch. Vojtěch Myška

City simulation software for modeling, planning, and strategic assessment of territorial city units (Smart city platform) enables the implementation of different smart city models created in different applications and products into one web-based platform that provides the complementary overview of the current situation of the section of the city or provide the results of what-if modeling of this area. The platform collects the heterogeneous data from different information sources to simulate possible city evolution strategies. Smart city platform enables to integrate the several existing simulation tools and models to very narrowly specialized issues to develop the holistic simulation of the whole territorial unit. By using integrated mathematical models it is possible to simulate “ what-if” scenarios of future evolution. The platform collects the heterogeneous data from different information sources, provides the integration and enables to simulate possible urban unit evolution strategies and compute the appropriate set of KPIs - Key Performance Indicators. Smart city platform (CSP) provides the KPIs and results of simulations in a web-oriented platform.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.