
Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to the Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Sites

Ing. arch. Lucie Kirovová, Ph.D., Ing. arch. Anna Sigmundová, Ph.D.

Global changes and processes associated with the transition to the postindustrialism interconnected with the downturn of heavy industry and a fast grow of the service sector have influenced the life and structure of towns and cities. The majority of cities was changed during industrialization and now has to deal with vast brownfields with many characteristic problems such as?. The issues associated with the adaptive reuse and the regeneration of industrial cities have emerged as an established discipline. The question remains: Is contemporaneous regeneration sustainable? It is important to understand the potential of the industrial areas as initial areas for solving and mitigating environmental and social problems which have occurred in the past. We find it necessary to set sustainable principles of adaptive reuse, which will lead to the reintegration of industrial sites into local socio-economic and urban structures. Concurrently it can help to achieve the sustainability of chosen functions, to spur regeneration and to increase the habitability. Industrial sites seen through the rubric of ecosystems allow one to perceive them as complex and dynamic systems formed by a pattern of diverse interacting subsystems with characteristic metabolic cycles. Since the majority of industrial complexes have worked according to a model of rational metabolic cycles representing technological flow, we find an ecosystem approach to be a useful and relevant model for understanding the complexity of the issue and for finding sustainable ways for the adaptation of industrial sites.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.