
Zero roof overhang at timber houses

Ing. arch. Marek Pavlas, Ph.D.

Zero roof overhang is a significant detail of modern architecture. It gives a specific minimalist look to the contemporary houses. However it usually requires sophisticated technical solutions that can be very fragile. Defects of this detail can lead to serious damages of buildings. Risk of damage at the timber houses is even higher as wood generally gets in danger when water and moisture are present. This contribution shows examples of several solutions of this specific detail at timer houses. It shows principles of the detail and its tricky points. It is accompanied by experience of usage of presented solutions. This theme raises questions. Whether utilisation of zero roof overhang is convenient, right and appropriate. Whether this detail of modern architecture goes together with practical usage of houses or the visual point of the detail is more important than technical complications. Aim of this contribution is to bring another insight to the mentioned theme. Not only to give answers but also to raise questions.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.