
Digital Technology Transition in Age-Friendly Communities: A New Approach to Social Innovation

Arch. Gulbahar Emir Isik, MSc., Noor Marji, MSc., Ing. arch. Akshatha Ravi Kumar

According to United Nations statistics for 2019, the number of people aged 65 or over is projected to reach 1.5 billion by 2050. The global trend of population ageing will place pressure on countries in terms of infrastructure, social security, health care, public policy, and innovation in mindsets. Simultaneously, the development of digital technology has led to a variety of lifestyles and cognitive transformations that are not as widespread among the older population. In these challenging times, the need to reduce the gap between older adults and digital technology has become a crucial social issue, and Social Innovation, as the vital opportunity to solve intractable social problems, needs to be leveraged to address broader issues. This paper explores new approaches to social innovation in the digital technology age, based on the context of age-friendly community transitions. Through an analysis of digital practices in ageing communities, a process framework is proposed that provides a pathway for communities to become age-friendly and liveable, and enhance the quality of life of older residents, enabling them to become more involved in community development and resulting in sustainable improvements in their living environment.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.