
The Faculty of Architecture, CTU announced the postponement of the European conference on the education of architects to the next year

The annual conference of the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) was to be hosted by the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague on 26-29 August 2020, nevertheless, it will be postponed until next year. It will take place in a new term on 25-28 August 2021. The decision was based on the worldwide evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The postponement of the conference was agreed by the President of the European Association for Architectural Education EAAE, Oya Atalay Franck, and members of the EAAE Council together with the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University, Ladislav Lábus, and the head of the organizing committee Dalibor Hlaváček.

The decision was taken after careful consideration of the risks associated with the participation of foreign guests, with regard to the spread of the virus COVID-19, as well as all current emergency measures and travel restrictions. "We believe that postponing the event is in the best interests of the Association's members, conference participants and the public," said Irena Fialová, Vice-Dean for International Relations, CTU FA.

The postponement of the deadline will not affect the planned program or the topics the conference entitled “New Dimensions: Reflection of the Enlargement of Scale and Overlapping of Diciplines”. The conference will focus on the new dimensions of the architectural profession related to environmental and social challenges, and the growing capacity and intensity of possibilities to change the world.

This scaling up and intertwining of disciplines in architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture will not do without properly educated experts. The task of architecture schools is to respond to these requirements and translate them into their existing educational programs.

EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) is an international organization that brings together over 130 European schools of architecture. Its mission is to improve the quality of architectural education, the common architecture policy in Europe and to promote discussion and exchange of information on architectural education and research.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.