STudy guides


Do you need to find out more about the system of studying at the faculty, about study plans and requirements – for example, do you know how many times you have available to make up an exam? Are you interested in studies at an architectural school elsewhere, or are you thinking about continuing to the Ph.D. level and would like to know the conditions in detail? The most important documents and answers to the most frequently asked questions are right here on this page. 

If you have already decided to start your studies at FA CTU, Incomings Master's Guide and Incomings Erasmus+ & Exchange Guide will be your best buddy before you start your first semester.


Incomings Master's Guide

A short overview of everything that incoming Master students should know about our faculty, academic year schedule and study programs. We also suggest some possibilities how to enrich your study stay in Prague.

Incomings Erasmus+ & Exchange Guide

A short overview of everything that incoming Erasmus+ & Exchange students should know about our faculty, academic year schedule and study programs. We also suggest some possibilities how to enrich your study stay in Prague.

Integrating Into CTU Life

On the web page of the International Student Club you can find the Survival Guide, Buddy program and Activities and Events at the CTU and in Prague. ISC Fact Sheet.

For additional information for newly arriving international students of the Erasmus+ & Exchange programs and the Masters’ Degree study in English, see our Study at CTU website.

Download the CTU Guides.

Our school

Instruction at the CTU Faculty of Architecture has been held since 2011 in the faculty building designed by the leading Czech architect Alena Šrámková. Its floor plan is square, with eight above-ground floors and three below-ground levels with parking garages.

On the second floor, the architecture building is connected by an enclosed catwalk to the Faculty of Civil Engineering building. Towards Bechyňova ulice, there are three brightly coloured protruding volumes for the main lecture halls.

On a typical floor, there are 10 ateliers, 4 classrooms with audio-visual equipment, a conference room, a student ‘respirium’ for creative repose, and faculty offices. The top two floors contain 17 two-storey ateliers. In the ground floor is the reception, the registrar’s office, the printing centre, a kitchenette, cloakroom, the ArchiCafé, lecture halls and the universal space of the atrium for exhibitions or ceremonial events. On the first cellar level are the modelling workshops, darkroom, GAPPA computer rooms, sculpture atelier, plaster-casting room, two sets of showers and the building technical facilities. The other below-ground levels are reserved for parking.

All rooms are marked with a three-digit numeral (e.g. 441), in which the first digit indicates the above-ground level. For rooms in the below-ground floor, the number is preceded with the letter S (e.g. S147). Entry into the building is through a turnstile, requiring a valid ISIC card or a CTU student ID card (issued by the CTU identification department). Guests may enter after registering at the reception.

From Monday to Friday, the building is open from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. On Sundays, public holidays and any time outside the opening hours, entrance is possible only with permission from the faculty secretary.




As of the day when you register for study, you are considered a student of our faculty. After successfully completing the admissions tests, you will receive the invitation for registering: the regular date is usually at the start of September.

The requirement for registration is submission of a document of completed secondary education. During the first year of studies, the registrar’s office automatically registers your courses in KOS, while from the second year on you register the courses yourself. Undergraduate studies at the FA are ‘non-yearly’, meaning that you can register for classes in different order, though there are a few successions that need to be followed. Which courses are prerequisites for the next is something that you can find on the FAQ page (FAQ link). Registration of courses is always opened in KOS one week before the start of the relevant semester. During the same week, informational meetings are held for registration in the various ateliers. Details can be found in the study and exam procedures for CTU students on the general CTU website.

Design Studios

The design studio is the subject where you make use of your theoretical arsenal. Over time, you are given the chance to design various buildings, urban spaces, landscapes, objects etc., depending on the program that you’ve chosen to study.

Depending on your chosen focus, you can sign up for several of over 30 ateliers for the program in architecture and urbanism, or 5 ateliers for industrial design. Instruction follows the principle of the ‘vertical atelier’, where students in various years of study work alongside each other on different types of projects under the guidance of experienced pedagogues. As such, possible solutions to working themes can be discussed among colleagues with greater or lesser experience, as well as with the atelier supervisors. At the end of each semester, a central exhibition is held of the projects from all ateliers, and the best student projects are published annually in the Faculty of Architecture yearbook. In the fall semester, student projects and ateliers compete for the ‘Plumb-Bob’ (Olověný Dušan) award, a faculty-wide competition held by the Association of Architecture Students. The idea of the vertical atelier has been progressively developed at the FA since the 1990s, creating a method of creative studio experience that cannot be found at any other architectural school.

Study Abroad

You can find the list of partner institutions at the study abroad website. Most FA students spend one or two semesters in Europe in the framework of the program Erasmus+ or in the rest of the world in the framework of the bilateral Exchange programs. 

Overseas exchanges (from Argentina or Peru all the way to Japan or South Korea) are also organised through extra-European bilateral agreements. The CTU has its own International Student Club (ISC), which operates the ‘buddy program’ to address the needs of international students at the CTU. Held every October is a major information event, the Study Abroad Fair.


The National Technical Library [NTL] and the CTU Central Library is across from the FA in the new NTK building. All basic publications can be found there. Access to international publications is possible through interlibrary loan services. Other resources include two well-stocked FA libraries directly at the FA: one on the7th floor and the other on the 6th floor.

The FA libraries (library of Departments 15113, 15114 and VCPD and the library of Department 15119) allow only for on-premises borrowing, in other words, you can’t take the publications home with you. Of course, we also recommend visiting the Czech National Library in the Clementinum or the libraries of certain specialised institutions – e.g. the Museum of Decorative Arts, the National Museum et al.

NTL Entrance and Registration

For entrance into the National Technical Library (NTL) you can use your student ID. But if you want to borrow books, use the library databases, reserve a study room or make copies, you need to register into the NTL.

For registration you need to print out the form in the library’s ground floor. You will also need a valid ID card or passport (or other identification document), a chip card with a photo and confirmation of studies or a valid student ID. The registry for the CTU Central Library is on the 2nd floor at the main services desk.

The annual fee for students is 50 CZK. To complete the process more quickly, you can use pre-register from home and then complete the registration right at the entrance by the entry turnstile.  The NTL accepts any contactless chip ID cards with the photograph, name and surname of the cardholder. You can use your CTU student idea (regardless of whether it has the CTU or ISIC design). Other acceptable cards can be the OpenCard, Lítačka or Czech Rail IN Karta.

The regular opening hours are from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. An all-night study room is kept open when the “big library” closes and remains accessible until the library re-opens in the morning. More detailed information is available on the NTL website.

Architecture Students Association

The Association of Architecture Students (SPA/ASA) at the FA CTU is a free, independent and voluntary organisation open to all students who would like to take an active role in the student life of our faculty.

Among the association’s activities are organising lectures, exhibitions or architecture excursions. The main event of the Association is the annual competition ‘Plumb-Bob’ (Olověný Dušan)

SPA has its own website, where you can find the latest events organised by the association as well as large quantities of collected materials on individual courses.

FA Nonstop

Every semester, one week before the deadline for handing in design studio projects, Architecture Students Association (SPA/ASA) starts its countdown till the final hour. During this period, the school is kept open 24 hours a day, so that students can successfully finish their projects.

How FA Nonstop takes place can be watched in the CTU media library.

Czech Language Courses

The Cabinet of Languages organizes courses of Czech language on various levels within the program of Life-long Education. 

International Office

The International Office ensures administrative and organisational matters for international students in the Erasmus+ & Exchange programs and the graduate MA study programs in English. The International Office can be found on the ground floor of the FA (room 147).

At the International Office, we are always glad to help you with ordinary study situations, issuing confirmation of university studies, documents on completion of studies, registration of diploma works, and even state final examinations. The International Office also provides all necessary information about FA CTU admissions procedures. Contact information and office hours are on the International Office website.


Each semester and study program has its own particular timetable. Timetables state clearly where and when the lectures and exercises are held, as well as the instructor teaching each individual subject.

Students compile their timetables themselves, based on what subjects they register for and what exercise group (‘parallel’) they pick. Fixed places in the timetable are assigned to the ateliers, which for many years now have been planned for Monday and for Thursday afternoon.

KOS or the ‘Komponent of Study’

The university information system KOS serves for registration of classes, creating your personal timetable, registering for exams, controlling the number of completed credits and many other functions.

How do you get into it? Type the address and then enter your username and password. You get them once you receive your acceptance letter, which comes by post and contains the initialisation password. Then on the CTU website, you select the Faculty of Architecture, and after using your initialisation password you find your unique username valid for the CTU and type in your password. This is what you will later use for KOS. Careful with capital and lower-case letters! The password can of course be changed. If there are any problems, contact the International Office in person.


We can give you some of the most frequent examples of the use of KOS; other functions of the KOS application can be easily figured out from the instructions that are shown on every page, to the lower right below the line.

• How do I register a course? “courses” → “register for course” (careful, usually it is possible to register for a course only during a brief period; make sure you know what the situation is at the FA, and if you are registering for a course at a different faculty, find out when the registration period is open there).

• How do I create my personal timetable? At the Faculty of Architecture starting in the third semester; until then, the timetable is set by the Registrar’s Office). You can only add a course to your timetable if you have registered it beforehand or in a preliminary registration. Then click on “timetable” → “create personal timetable” → on the line for the specific course, click on “display” → the table comes up with the listing of course hours both for exercises and lectures → now all you have to do is to select the time and date of the exercise/lecture, and if there is still free space in it, click on “register”.

• How do I register an exam? “credits and examinations” → “terms for credits and examinations” → select the course for the right semester → click on “select term” and for the selected term click on “register”.

• How do I check my study results? “other topics” → “study results” (it’s always good to stay aware of whether the instructor or examiner really did register your exam or credit within the given deadline).

Wifi and Computer Rooms

There are two ways to connect to the internet at school. Either you can use the international network Eduroam (the procedure for connecting is found on the CTU Computing and Information Centre website), or the local WiFi network CTU-FA-Students (password: Fas3xs3x).

The computer rooms, hidden behind the abbreviation GAPPA, are located in the FA building souterrain. One of the computer rooms is continually open and serves as a round-the-clock study hall. 

Stationary Retailers

A4 sheets, tracing paper, polystyrene, cardboard, pencils, glue… essentially, the stationery shop is as essential for the Faculty of Architecture student as groceries, if not more so!

Fortunately, there are several stationery retailers close to the FA, and other supplies are only a few metro stops away. A very good assortment can be found in the DEZETA stationers’ in the first floor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (entrance through the quiet study room). Modelling supplies and accessories for making architectural models can be purchased at Modelova in Zikova ulice, or also through their e-shop. Special papers can best be found at Grandpapír in the historic Platýz courtyard off of Národní třída, and art supplies nearby in Altamira. Not far from Vítězné náměstí is a company store for the renowned Czech manufacturer KOH-I-NOOR HARDTMUTH.


Whenever you have to print up blueprints immediately before a consultation, it’s good to know what the printing services are in the area. At the FA, students have access to two self-service copy machines, one in the respirium on the 5th floor and the other on the ground floor next to the study department and the IKAN printing center (room 145).

Several printing possibilities are supplied at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, these being the plotter VIC in room Ds108 (ground floor in building D – behind the catwalk from building B), the TINA printers in building B in front of the catwalk to Atelier D, the private Robocopy Automat machines near the quite study room and the buffet or the copy centre beside the cloakroom behind the catwalk from Civil Engineering to the FA. You can also use other private copy centres near the Faculty: IKAN in the National Technical Library, REPRO Fetterle on náměstí Na Santince or Powerprint in Zikova ulice.

Modelling Workshops

Creating architectural models is a vital necessity for all FA CTU students: models are made by architects, landscape architects and – most crucially – designers. As a consequence, there are several modelling workshops inside the Faculty building, and we are continually working on expanding our offering of tools and services.

Modelling workshops are open to all architecture and design students and are located on floor level -1, i.e. in the cellar level: the large workshop in room S113 (reached by the spiral staircase from the central atrium), the small workshop, the plaster-casting room and the modelling room (primarily) for design students in rooms xxx (reached by the straight staircase from the right atrium). For selection of materials, choices of methods and technologies, our trained experts are glad to offer held and advice. For more information, see the website of the FA workshops.


The students also have a photo studio designed to shoot models. It is equipped with three lights and a table with a background. The keys to the photo studio located in the basement can be borrowed by agreement from the secretariat of the Department of Building Theory at Ing. Petra Zeibrlichová, office 432.

Where Can I Eat?

The possibilities of eating are extensive indeed. There are several "Menza" dinning halls on the campus or in the dormitories. There are nearby restaurants, the popular ArchiCafé on the ground floor of the FA or the MegaBufet on the ground floor of the faculty of Civil Engineering.

The Technical Cafeteria in ul. Jugoslávských partyzánů or the Student House (Studentský dům) directly behind the FA building with 4 dining halls and a canteen offer meals from breakfast up to dinner, with vegetarian options available. Food can be paid in cash, by the student ISIC card or vouchers from Ticket Restaurant, Sodexo Gastro Pass and Cheque Déjeuner. The dining halls are not exclusively for student use – anyone may dine there, but students have a discount deducted from the listed price of main courses when paying by student card. The university contributes to 90 meals monthly. The card can be used in any university dining hall, the university restaurants in the Strahov dormitory complex, the Masaryk Dormitory, the KOKOS restaurant in Kladno and the pizzeria in the Student House. Dining is self-service style: choose what you want. Money can be added onto the student card at any cashier with minimum deposit of 100 CZK. More detailed information is available on the website of the CTU Service Facilities Administration.


If you want to exercise you have a wide range of what to do and when to do it. The CTU Institute of Physical Training and Sports, which has its own Facebook page, offers many courses (free or with a small charge) primarily in the Juliska sports complex, but also at other locations. 

Training and sports at the CTU are supervised by the Institute of Physical Training and Sports (Ústav tělesné výchovy a sportu - ÚTVS), which is located in the CTU sports centre at Pod Juliskou 4, Prague 6. All information about physical activities, summer and winter courses and other sports activities at the CTU can be found – along with a sign-up page for sports activities – on the Institute website.

Other sports options at the CTU include the university sports clubs VSK ČVUT Praha and VŠTJ Technika Praha strojní. Their various sports divisions offer team and individual activities involving regular competitions and other events organised by sports associations in the Czech sport union (ČUSCZ), at levels ranging from recreational to semi-professional.


The FA building has excellent public transport access (by metro, tram and bus); moreover the path to the transport stops allows in springtime weather for a pleasant stroll beneath the Japanese cherry trees or the enjoyment of a good cup of coffee from the Kafe Kiosk. For parking bicycles, there are stands in front of the FA building.

If, however, it is necessary to travel to the FA by car, you can park in paid zones along Bechyňova ulice or (as long as you arrive sufficiently early) for free in the section of Kolejní ulice. Another possibility is the parking area directly within the FA, where you can park for short periods at an hourly rate or arrange a pre-paid fee.

For the content of this site is responsible: RNDr. Jiří Šrubař, Ph.D.