Language Courses

The Cabinet of Languages organizes courses of Czech, English, German and French languages on various levels within the program of Life-long Education. Further courses of Czech language can be found on the CTU (ČVUT) website under the item of Life-long Education and Masaryk Institute, CTU. Beside all these you can attend Czech courses organized by language departments at other CTU faculties, e.g. at the neighbouring Faculty of Civil Engineering.

The Cabinet of Languages also organizes exams in Czech language of levels B1 and B2. The exams are commonly held in winter or summer examination periods, the exam dates are announced on the Cabinet website. Students can also apply for individual dates of examinations. Updated information on the examination is available on the Cabinet website. The Cabinet of Languages also offers corrections of seminary, semester, bachelor, diploma or other projects written in Czech language to all foreign students. In case of any questions on Czech language at FA contact PhDr. Kateřina Valentová on the address

For the content of this site is responsible: RNDr. Jiří Šrubař, Ph.D.