What are the things you need a student ID for and where can you get one? What should you do if they don’t take you in the design studio that I’m most interested in? What are all the things necessary to complete your year of studies? Is there wifi access at the Faculty? How do things work in the library? Answers to these and other most common questions can be found below. If you need to resolve a more complicated problem, please contact the International Office, where you will certainly find good advice.

Odpovědi na nejběžnější dotazy najdete níže; pokud potřebujete řešit nějaký složitější problém, obraťte se na studijní oddělení, kde vám určitě poradí.

When is the FA building open?

On weekdays, from 6:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.

On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays the building is open from 8:00 am to 8:00pm, only when staff and students sign in into the guest book.

Caution: the opening hours of the modelling workshops are different. The large workshop (S113) is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The small workshop with the machinery, the modelling and casting rooms are open Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (except for Wednesdays, when they close by 3 p.m.). During Atelier Week, all workshops are open round the clock.

Where can I find the International Office?

The International Office is found on the ground floor (room 147).

What is the duration of the master's program?

The standard study period in MA study programs is 2 years. The maximum study period equals twice the standard period, i.e. 4 years.

What is the english master's program tution fee?

The study in the Study Programs in English is charged. The tuition fee is determined by the Rector of the CTU in accordance with Article 11(2) of the CTU Statute for the relevant academic year and is published on the CTU website.

Can I take part in the Erasmus+ & Exchange programs?

Self paying MA degree students can enter the Erasmus+ program as well.The application process opens in November through Mobility application.

More information can be found at the International Office.

How many credits do I need per year?

For the MA study program, the minimal number of credits for the first semester is 20, for the first academic year (2 semesters) 40 and for each successive academic year of studies 40 credits. Caution: credits recognised from previous studies do not count!

Can I suspend my studies?

Studies can be suspended no earlier than after the successful completion of the first academic year. The minimal period for suspension is one semester. During this period, you lose your student status and advantages. For serious (i.e. medical) reasons, studies can be suspended even during the first year.

What is the difference between a required elective and an elective course?

A required elective course counts for credits and an elective course does not. Elective courses include e.g. physical training.

Can I take my subjects in whatever order I want?

The order of subjects is usually recommended, but not mandatory. Yet, for certain subjects it is necessary to follow the mandatory sequencing listed in the study plans (the White Book).

How do I sign into the Usermap, KOS and other CTU applications?

The first time you use the CTU password and username that you receive after registering as a student. Everyone sets their own password themselves afterwards through this Password settings. To sign into it successfully, you need to enter the code of your study application and your date of birth.

Why do I need a student ID card? Where do I get it?

You need an ID card for entry into any CTU building (not only for the FA building), borrowing books at the CTU libraries or the National Technical Library, paying for meals at CTU dining halls or parking in the FA building.

You can pick up your ID card after registering for studies at the CTU Card Office, Bechyňova 3 [the red Student House building]. Further information can be found at the CTU portal.

What is the difference between a CTU student ID and an ISIC card?

You have the option of a CTU student ID (free) and a CTU student ID with ISIC certification, which is paid. The ISIC card is internationally recognised and offers more advantages than a traditional student ID card. For more information, see the CTU portal.

How does the faculty e-mail work?

Every student receives upon registration for the first year an e-mail address in the form abbreviationname@fa.cvut.cz. This address is valid for the entire period of studies. E-mails sent to this address are routed to the faculty server IMAP, which is accessed through IMAP protocol or by the web interface on the Faculty website. It is obligatory to use this e-mail address to communicate with the school as only through it you will receive information from instructors, the study department or from KOS. 

How do I set my local mail client?

You can download, send and synchronise your faculty e-mail messages using the applications in your smartphone or PC. The settings are as follows:

imap server

host: imap.fa.cvut.cz

protokol: imap

port: 993

zabezpečení: ssl


smtp server

host: smtp.fa.cvut.cz

protokol: smtp

port: 2525

zabezpečení: tls

My password isn’t working at my faculty e-mail or in KOS. What should I do?

Passwords have to be renewed every 365 days. How long your current password will remain valid is always shown after signing into Usermap in your user profile. If, however, your password has already expired, you can renew it in Usermap. If you have forgotten your password, contact the CTU factulty password administrator, Petr Eisenhauer.

When can I ask for a scholarship?

Students at the FA are assigned scholarships in accordance with the FA and the CTU scholaship policies. All information can be found on the Scholarship page. For all scholarships, it is necessary to apply through the International Office.

How much does it cost to eat in the dining halls?

Prices – along with menus – can be found on the dining halls’ websites. The English version is coming one day.

How is the public transport in Prague?

Prague has a very good public transport. Students have the right to discounted public transport passes (monthly, quarterly, five-months, ten-months) on the basis of a confirmation of studies. Prices and further information are available on the website of the Prague Transport Authority.

Where can I leave my bicycle?

For parking bicycles, there are stands in front of the FA building. Bicycles are unfortunately not allowed inside the building, nor is there currently any space for them in the below-ground garages.

Is the school handicap-accessible?

Yes, the FA building is handicap-accessible. Assistance and information for students with special needs is provided by the ELSA.

Is there counselling available for students?

Yes, consultations and other support for resolving academic, personal, health, family or legal problems is provided by the CTU Centre for Information and Advising Services (CIPS and ELSA) – including immediate help in crisis situations.

Where can I store my personal items?

On the ground floor of the FA, you can find a cloakroom, which is only for your coat or jacket. For storing e.g. a suitcase or backpack for the Friday trip home, you can use a yellow self-service locker in the National Technical Library. In your design studio, there are white locking cabinets (each with its own lock) intended for storing your study and working materials. Once you are no longer enrolled in the design studio, your cabinet needs to be emptied at the end of the semester. 

Can I use a shower or a kitchen at FA?

The showers are next to the plaster-casting room in the souterrain, the key is to be picked up at the FA reception. A kitchenette with a microwave oven is on the 2nd floor but is for use only during the Design Studio Week (FA Nonstop); again, its key is kept by the receptionist.

Is there working space available at FA?

All students have working space available at school. Every student registered in a particular design studio has access to the design studio room using their student ID card. In addition, there is a continuously open computer room in the souterrain. It is also possible to use the study space in the library on the 7th floor (room 722). Other space for study is also available in the National Technical Library.

How can I take part in research projects?

As a student in the MA or Ph.D. study program you have several possibilities available: contacting a head of department, applying for a grant within the student grant competition (SGS) or participating in a student scholarly conference (SVK). More information is available on the CTU portal.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.