In Your Own Words

Just as the faculty building offers an open view to the work of all students and teachers, this page provides a space for those who are or have been a part of the FA to express your opinions, meditations, thoughts, and evaluations with the same openness. These are views from many various perspectives that will hopefully help you to create your own idea of what studies at the Faculty of Architecture and the people are like.

"When evaluating the restoration of monuments, attention is often paid primarily to the success of mastering neoplasms. Sufficient clarity and quality of 'added value' have become the main criterion. However, a comprehensive assessment of the success of the restoration results itself remains largely aloof. This should include attention not only to "added value", but also, and not marginally, to verifying a gentle approach to the monument and, as a result, mastering a set of structural restoration interventions and combining them into a convincingly connected, harmoniously composed art unit."

Václav Girsa

Czech heritage protection architect and pedagogue

"Building is Joy!"

Juraj Matula, Richard Sidej a Martin Tycar

Znamení čtyř – architects

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.