official notice board

The official notice board contains the requisites defined in the faculty statutes, including the list of study programs, internal FA regulations, information concerning selection and habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the naming of professors.

Habilitation procedures

Information on initiation of habilitation procedures including dates of relevant public meetings of VUR FA.

Initiated Habilitation procedures

name field initiated procedures
Ing. arch. Jan Jakub Tesař, Ph.D. Architecture 2. 10. 2019
Ing. arch. Ondřej Beneš, Ph.D. Architecture 20. 2. 2019
Ing. Marek Novotný, Ph.D. Architecture, construction and technology 20. 2. 2019
PhDr. Jana Tichá, Ph.D. Architecture 20. 2. 2019
Ing. arch. Pavel Ullmann Architecture 20. 2. 2019
Akad. arch. Jan Sapák Architecture 24. 2. 2017

Procedures for appointing professors

Information on the opening and closing of the procedures for appointing professors, including the dates of the relevant VUR FA public meetings.

Procedure for appointing professor

name field APPOINTED PROFESSOR since


Application for extension of accreditation period of BA and MA degree in Architecture and Urbanism, specialization Architecture (PDF, 30,60 MB)

Application for accreditation of the Master degree program Architecture and Urbanism in English (PDF, 2,83 MB)

Application for accreditation of the Master degree program Landscape Architecture in English (PDF, 2,51 MB)

Application for accreditation BA and MA degree program Architecture and Urbanism (PDF, 4,65 MB)

Application for accreditation of the Master degree program Architecture and Urbanism and Landscape Architecture (PDF, 4,68 MB)

Application for accreditation of the Master degree program Architecture and Urbanism (PDF, 4,27 MB)

Application for accreditation - Landscape Architecture (MA) (PDF, 3,11 MB)

Application for accreditation - Landscape Architecture (BA) (PDF, 5,46 MB)

Application for accreditation - Design (BA and MA) (PDF, 3,32 MB)

Application for accreditation - Design (MA in English) (PDF, 3,78 MB)

Application for accreditation of a doctoral study program (PDF, 1,61 MB)

Application for accreditation of a doctoral study program (in English) (PDF, 1,57 MB)

Application for accreditation of the habilitation procedure and the procedure for appointment as a professor - field of study Architecture (PDF, 871,74 KB)

Application for accreditation of the habilitation procedure and the procedure for appointment as a professor - field AST (PDF, 873,64 KB)

Application for accreditation of the habilitation procedure and the procedure for appointment as a professor - field DAPP (PDF, 875,02 KB)

Application for accreditation of the habilitation procedure and the procedure for appointment as a professor - field UUP (PDF, 873,69 KB)

* For password for opening accreditation files, please contact the Vice-Dean for Pedagogical Activities prof. Ing. Irena Šestáková to e-mail

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. Jana Tóthová