
Using a new form, CTU staff must inform employers about the result of the COVID-19 test

Since 17. 3. 2020, all employees wishing to enter CTU buildings must prove negative to the COVID-19 test. They can use a new app or form on the website to pass the information on to their employer. These are designed to communicate the result through self-testing, as well as the result from official sampling points.

The Power Apps can either be downloaded to your mobile device, or the test result can be announced directly via a web browser. After login, the university username must be used in the format (not and the password used in CTU systems. The applicant then submits the result of the test and attaches either a photograph or a document with the result.

For detailed instructions see the annex.


3rd full text of Rector's order no. 21/2020 responds to the current actions of the government of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. Since 17. 3. 2021, the physical presence of employees at the workplace is allowed only if they either show a negative test result for SARS-CoV-2, have already had COVID-19 in the past 90 days, or have been vaccinated against the disease. All staff whose physical presence is not strictly necessary for the running of CTU will be allowed to work from home (homeoffice) to the maximum extent possible.

Immediately after entering the faculty building, staff members must go to Office 233 (the dean's secretariat), where they will undergo an antigenic saliva test. Each staff member registers and is instructed how to self-collect. In case of positivity, the staff member must leave the building and register for a PCR test.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.