
Typology 2023 reVision conference focused on primary school buildings

The sixth annual conference focused on school buildings, especially primary school buildings. How to design and build schools with changes in education in mind? The discussion took place on 27 April 2023 at the Faculty of Architecture of the CTU.
© Jiří Ryszawy

The reVision Typology conference aims to bring together the various actors in the construction industry: public and private clients, developers, architects and technologists. This year, it responded to a current topic where, with the demographic curve rising, the government is counting on the implementation of dozens of new schools and the construction of primary schools is at the forefront of many municipalities' minds.

"The way children spend their time at school is changing in much the same way as the way adults work – from routine, narrowly defined activities towards a greater variety of activities for which we create diverse environments. The idea of the schoolroom with its blackboard and frontal arrangement of desks as the only learning space has long been an anachronism, as teachers know all too well. Now it is about making architects, public authorities and everyone else involved in the process of preparing new school buildings aware of this," says Ondřej Tuček, the expert guarantor of this year's conference. He also re-introduced the publication Primary Schools: a manual for commissioning public building projects.

The opening session discussed the commissioning of primary school projects, current and forthcoming legislation for their construction and design, the process of building a new school from the perspective of mayors, and the way children are educated in the 21st century.

The second session was devoted to the transformation of the teaching space, current trends in education and the needs of teachers, lighting in schools and the introduction of faculty schools. The third part presented examples of good practice from recent years – the reconstruction of the building of the secondary vocational school Českobrodská in Prague Hrdlořezy, the construction of a new primary school Amos for Psáry and Dolní Jirčany or a new primary school in Chýně. Representatives of the private education sector also contributed to the debate.

The conference is organized by the Department of Building Theory, FA CTU, the guarantor is Prof. Michal Kohout. Information about the event and video recordings of the lectures can be found at Photos from the event can be found in the gallery Life of FA.

© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.