
Give feedback to the school. The survey for the winter semester is open

Until 4 March 2024, students can fill in the survey to provide feedback to the management and teachers about their satisfaction with the quality of teaching and the functioning of the faculty in the winter semester.
© Jiří Ryszawy

The survey is available at and you can fill it out on your mobile phone.

The answers will be used as an incentive to further improve teaching. If you would like to evaluate the work of your studio leaders, you can do so directly by rating and commenting on their person.

Two surveys are being completed for the winter semester:

1. Subject – you evaluate each subject you enrolled in. You can indicate your satisfaction on a scale of 1 - 5, or add a comment to each answer.

  • Overall impression. Rate your overall impression of the course (content + teacher). You can add a rating of the course and/or teachers
  • Course content. Rate the course content (topics, contribution, learning support). You can add a text comment. You can focus on topics, benefits, learning support, difficulty, timing, context
  • Teacher. Add a text comment to your evaluation of the teacher @teacherName (method of explanation, dealing with students, equal access, etc.)
  • End of course. You can comment on the ending of the course, e.g., difficulty, fairness, compliance, etc.

2. Non-subject (faculty-wide) – you evaluate the running of the faculty. You can mark your answers on a scale of 1 - 5 and add a comment.

The faculty is interested in::

  • What were you satisfied with in the winter semester? What helped you in your studies?
  • And what were you not satisfied with? What should be improved?
  • Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Survey schedule for WS 23/24:

  • 8. 1. - opening of the survey for students
  • 4. 3. - closing of the student evaluation
  • 5. 3. - opening of the survey for teachers
  • 1. 4. - publication of results

The survey is developed and operated by the Computer and Information Centre (CICC). If you have any questions, please contact the faculty coordinator Petr Irinkov.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.