Final projects


Fuchsová Zuzana

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


The main goal of the thesis is to propose a new use for an old paper mill brownfield in Předklášteří, a municipality adjoining Tišnov town. I have lived in Tišnov for 25 years, and in recent years, I noticed an extensive expansion of the town into the open landscape where the new streets consist mainly of catalogue houses instead of quality architecture. However, there are several brownfields inside the town, mainly around the railway line, and most of them are not used or are used very ineffectively. My goal is to design a new multifunctional locality Papírna that will be a natural part of the town and a lucrative residential neighbourhood. The thesis contains both the urban study of the areal and its surroundings, and an architectural study of a chosen building with a clearly defined use. The latter, an indoor swimming pool, was chosen on the basis of analysis and research.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.