Final projects


Kotková Vanda

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


The thesis deals with the non-compact urban structure of the city of Ostrava. Within the scale of the city, the thesis explores the limits of future development and it examines the possibilities of connecting its parts. On a closer scale, it deals with the weakened centre. The proposal explores alternatives of the areas’ development on the border of the historical centre and the cities’ capacities by densening the structure. The third part of the thesis deals with a location along the railway on the edge of the city centre. An inner periphery; a place where several issues intersect. It offers the potential of further merging of the city. The proposal examines the possibility of moving institutions that were planned by the city towards the edge of the historical centre. The dispersion of institutions along important axes contributes to a komplex perception of the city centre.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.