Final projects


Sýkora Jakub

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


The Prague City council is looking for a new headquarters for the relocation of some of its departments, currently based in the Škoda Palace. One of the considered locations is the land of the Na Knížecí bus station. The aim of the work is to create a new building of the Municipality, which would create a suitable environment for the office and public relations and thus urbanistically complete and support the newly emerging site. A city-wide building should be built and its surroundings should support the local center and respond to the newly emerging buildings of the SmíchovCity project and the subsequent transformation of Smíchov and the completion of hitherto unused brownfields. The plot is currently a bus station, owned by the transport company hl.m. Prague, which is planned to be moved as part of the project of a new terminal at Smíchov railway station. The area is delimited by Ostrovského, Nádražní, Za Ženským domovy and Stroupežnického streets.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.