Final projects
Trojmezí - City and Orchard
Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project
Trojmezi is an area of roughly 200 hectares, located in the Southeast part of Prague, among historical villages of Záběhlice, Chodov and Hostivař. Green space along Botič stream, running through here, is protected area of natural value. There is also an old orchard that defines the whole Trojmezi. Project‘s theme was to create a concept for the whole area, with possible new urban site.
In my proposal, I design the area as a porous one in a sense of walkability; working with borderlines, defining different types of green spaces and creating specific and valuable place within a context of the city.
The orchard is kept, though partly rejuvenated. Former field to the North of it is transformed into a new park, with meadows and water bodies. Southern field is replaced with a new urban are for over 5000 inhabitants and more then 100 000 m2 of non-residential space. Main typological element is a great block, using advantages of both compact city blocks and row-houses with gardens.