Final projects

Restoration of the area of abolished Capuchin monastery in Zákupy

Bc. Martin Stočes

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


The subject of this thesis is to make a study for restoration of the area of abolished , in originally baroque,  Capuchin monastery in Zákupy.   This thesis consists of two parts. The first part deals with the construction of the monastery and clarifies structure development of the east part of the convent. The second part is devoted to restoration, recovery and  addition  complex composed of a former monastery and garden. The final solution both respects the principles of restoration of historically valuable buildings and harmoniously complements the historic area around new buildings. The important task of the project was to put together contemporary requirements for a hotel complex and not disturbing the atmosphere of the old convent building.  

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.