Final projects

Pantomime school

Bc. Adéla Křížková

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


The goal of this diploma project is a proposal for pantomime school, respectively for new premises for Music and dance faculty of the Academy of performing arts in Prague and its department of pantomime. Currently this department located on Malostranské square in Hartigovsky and Lichtenstejnsky palace together with other departments of the faculty. The new structure should compensate the insufficient spaces that are provided by the current location adequately. Locating such an institution on a plot between the streets Valdštejnská, Pod Bruskou and Staré zámecké schody gives the project a mission of livening up and completing a part of Malá Strana that nowadays has no other character than the one represented by tourists. The building is located in a walking distance from all the other faculties of AMU. The plot was selected on the basis of two projects realized on Faculty of Architecture CTU. The first one is a diploma project of Barbora Mikitová: Rezervy centra and urbanistic project of Zuzana Šikulová, Filip Šefl and Vojtěch Šedý.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.