Final projects

Islamic cultural and educational centre in Prague

Bc. Richard Ott

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


Islamic centre project is dealing with location of Mosque in some public visible place within a city structure. To build a mosque in Europe is nothing extraordinary in these days.Now it is tendency for religious infrastructure development in Europe. It is similar to establishing jewish communities and protestant churces in last centuries.  Todays conditions for muslims of Prague are makeshift and tentative. Their religious life is hidden in courtyards and city periphery. The biggest community is not united at all. Main prayer hall is located far from the city centre, near Černý most metro station. There is also demand for new prayer halls. Why not to have positive approach to this theme? Project is designed in uncertain area near Viktoria Žižkov stadium. Arrangement of added programs is searched to serve wide society of Žižkov quarter.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.