Erasmus Exhibition

After the storm - re-thinking the coast of Lacanau, seaside resort endangered by errosion

Eliška Šárová


The project aims to restore lost balance between nature and built environment in the seaside resort of Lacanau-Océan. Since the urban development caused a rupture in a dune that goes along the coast, the town now lacks natural protection and remains at mercy to natural forces. Our task was to create a solution that works in several scales and time periods at the same time. In the long term, we focused on the gradual restoration of the protective dune and creation of a stable environment. However, we got into the most detail in the near future, where we designed the main promenade - a space where city life and ocean dynamics meet.

my key experience from erasmus

My Erasmus in Bordeaux was a great benefit for me both professionally and personally. At school, I experienced a different way of learning landscape architecture, which was more philosophical and artistic than the one at our faculty. We read many articles about landscape architecture and then discussed them in class. We also drew a lot, painted and took pictures. We worked in teams in almost all subjects, which was sometimes difficult, but I gained valuable experience thanks to that.

Staying in such a beautiful city as Bordeaux was an enriching experience on itself. Everyday when I walked through the city, I was getting inspired by many examples of quality landscape architecture and urbanism. I have a lot of beautiful memories from Bordeaux and I will be always excited to come back.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.