Exhibition of Studio Projects

Terezie Cuhrová

Bc. Terezie Cuhrová


Coordinated construction on Rohan Island is governed by a regulatory plan from Pavel Hrdlička Architekti, s.r.o, based on the regulation of the capital. of Prague. For the plot C.IV., to which this project concerns, the restrictions are set as follows: minimum percentage of the garden 25%, building line open, active ground floor, maximum floor 7, regulated building height 23m. Apartment buildings are located on the northern half of the plot. Both have an active ground floor on the 1st floor, space for storing prams / bicycles of the house's inhabitants and space for storing garbage cans. Furthermore, the buildings continue with four residential floors, which line the construction line. The sixth floor adjoining them gently recedes, creating a terrace. A staircase with an elevator shaft leads to the seventh floor, making the roof accessible. HPP of both buildings together is 4095m2.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Petr Kordovský