Exhibition of Studio Projects

Seeking for serenity

Marie Bělohoubková


At the beginning of the semester, we were in a worldwide pandemic. The need to seek serenity has been highlighted in our lives. The studio assignment thus took on a wide dimension. That point of serenity imaginary divided: stable place and a place allowing cyclic movement. In the next phase of the search for form, the materialization of feelings and principles, I discovered a vast breadth of space formation. After deep thought, I set out in a combination of an additive path within the creation of an object and a path of movement within walking connections. The result offers shelter and seating, is able to isolate a person from other visitors, elegantly frame the view of the landscape from the inside and unintrusive complement the view of the landscape in its own form.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.