Exhibition of Studio Projects

oofing a summer cinema with a background in Beroun

Martin Chorvát


The aim of the roofing design was to create a dignified architectural work that offers protection from the rain, but at the same time does not suppress the greatest importance of summer cinema, and that is to enjoy film under the night sky. Hence the design of a 2/3 aspect roofing and transparent filling of the roofing. The shape of the roof is an image of the curvature of the hill beneath which it lies. In the chaos, I tried to find order and order. A roof shaped like a parabolic hyperboloid formed by triangular surfaces that retain their plane. The addition of the second floor made room for a functionally and operationally separate café. The grounds of the summer cinema remained on the ground floor, but the building improvements with the extension of the floor plan did not escape it eith

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