Exhibition of Studio Projects

Living on Vršovičká

Bc. Barbora Laššáková


At the meeting point between the quietly spreading Grébovka and the busy Vršovická Street I design a set of three apartment buildings, which together form a deconstructed block. The height articulation of the buildings creates views to different sides, increasing the mass to the north promotes the densification of the space, but at the same time, by lowering it locally, it brings warm southern light into the interior of the block. The aim of the housing is to provide a satisfactory standard of comfort for the occupants, not a minimum standard of living. The inner block has a public character, but by clamping the buildings together it does not look so open and conspicuous, the curvature of the masses creates pleasant more intimate places to sit.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Michal Kuzemenský