Exhibition of Studio Projects


I see the neighborhood as an indispensable part of rural life, a living tissue that connects the destinies of individuals and families simply by sharing one place to live. In modern times, however, the neighborhood has lost some of its charm. Some of its functions have faded, the ties have become as thin as an old rope. People are moving further apart than ever before. This tearing of ties is imprinted not only on our hearts, but also on nature, once carefully cared for by a community that depended on it as on its very breath. Yet this relationship has not disappeared, has not perished in the dust of time. It is only hidden, waiting to be reborn. We need to reweave the threads – between people, and between people and nature – and awake the old connection that once made us whole.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. Klára Salzmann, Ph.D.