ZAN projects

Mortar and pestle/Paper light shade

BcA. Petr Brancuský


My goal was to create a wooden mortar as a part of a cutting board with the purpose of making pesto in it rather than frequently crushing spices. When not in use, the mortar would act as a storage bowl on the cutting board to put already chopped ingredients in. Therefore, its use will certainly be more frequent than that of a conventional mortar. Last but not least, it can also be used as a serving board. _What is one man's trash may be another man's treasure. I set out to create a paper lampshade out of used coffee filters. These filters are being used and thrown away every day in large quantities. However, the paper they are made out of has a beautiful color and the leftover coffee grounds make each filter a unique piece of art. I tried my best to celebrate this coffee symbol.

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