
Ing. arch. Marek Blank

odborný asistent ZAN Sládek–Blank

Tej, P. - Kolísko, J. - Hulec, M. - Vráblík, L. - Bouška, P. - Sýkora, M. - Beran, L. - Vacek, V. - Hrabánek, M. - Vokáč, M. - Blank, M. - Dobiáš, D. - Čech, J. - Pokorný, P., - Tejová, A.
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[Verified Technology] 2022.
Ověřená technologie
Ověřená technologie se zabývá výběrem a ověřením vhodnosti sanačních postupů betonových konstrukcí historických mostů, především rekonstrukcí prefabrikovaných prvků zábradlí a také možnostmi oprav defektů menšího rozsahu. Tato Ověřená technologie byla vyvinuta pro historické mostní konstrukce. Primárně měla být aplikována při rekonstrukci Libeňského mostu v Praze. Z důvodů odkladů rekonstrukčních prací však nebylo možné tento postup vyzkoušet in situ. Byla proto zvolena možnost experimentu na přibližně odpovídající, avšak, nehistorické konstrukci. Navrhovaná technologie je zcela inovativní. Podobnou problematikou se zabývá prof. Eugen Brühwiler ze Švýcarského federálního technologického institutu. Použití technologie zesilování pomocí materiálu na bázi UHPC nebylo dosud v Evropě použito. Je to zapříčiněno absencí norem a předpisů spojených s použitím těchto progresivních materiálů.
Tej, P. - Mourek, J., - Blank, M.
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In: 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2021). Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2021. p. 1303-1314. ISBN 978-84-123222-0-0.
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The Liben bridge in Prague is a cultural and technical heritage of concrete construction of the beginning from the twentieth century. The bridge was designed by architect Pavel Janak, the founder of cubism in architecture. According to experts, the Libel)" bridge is the only example of cubist morphology application on the bridge structure. Evaluation of Liben bridge structural condition is an up-to-date topic leading to decision whether this bridge should be repaired or replaced by a new bridge. This article deals with the static and dynamic load testing in comparison with following creation and validation of the FEA model for load carrying capacity assessment of the Liben Bridge and possible way of reconstruction. Paper deals with crucial procedures for FEA model validation of this backfilled arched concrete structure with a focus on the static characteristic of the structure. Article deals with reconstruction of the vault part of the Liben Bridge using R-UHPFRC in terms of static operation. It focuses on the two basic problems of the bridge, the solution to increase the bearing capacity of the vault arches and to increase the bearing capacity of the foundations under pillars. The concept of repair is based on extensive diagnostic surveys conducted in 2017 The concept of structural enhancement is based on adding new thin layer of R-UHPFRC (reinforced, ultra-high performance concrete) on the upper vault surface. Concrete bridge structures are exposed to extreme effects of aggressive environmental influences, especially chlorides, which leads to damaging of most exposed bridge components a long time before their service life. UHPFRC material is suitable for repairs of these structures and especially due to its impermeability and high resistance.
Kolísko, J. - Tej, P. - Vráblík, L. - Marek, J. - Čítek, D. - Mourek, J., - Blank, M.
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BETON-technologie, konstrukce, sanace. 2019, 19(4), 3-10. ISSN 1213-3116.
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V listopadu 2018 byla v severomoravském městě Příbor jako první svého druhu v České republice uvedena do provozu segmentová předepnutá lávka z ultra vysokohodnotného betonu (UHPC). V článku je prezentován návrh, výroba, montáž a statická a dynamická analýza této lávky, projektované jako prostý nosník celkové délky 36 m o rozpětí 35 m, který je vytvořený sepnutím pěti dvoukomorových segmentů šířky 2,5 m a výšky cca 0,8 m. Použitý UHPC třídy C110/130 s rozptýlenou ocelovou výztuží byl vyvinut v Kloknerově ústavu (KÚ) a optimalizován a provozně vyzkoušen v KŠ Prefa dle návrhu zpracovaného architekty a pracovníky společnosti Novák & Partner ve spolupráci s pracovníky KÚ.
Tej, P. - Mourek, J. - Blank, M., - Kněž, P.
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In: IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management - Report. Istanbul: IABSE, 2019. p. 1465-1471. ISBN 978-3-85748-163-5.
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The paper deals with the design and production of a segmented prestressed bridge made of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) The footbridge is installed in the town of Příbor in the Czech Republic. The UHPFRC or UHPC material in the Czech Republic gradually finds its way to interesting and unique design applications. The paper presents the design and production of a segmented bridge of the first type in the Czech Republic, designed as a simple beam of 35 meters total length of 36 meters, which is created by the closure of five double-chamber segments 2,5 m wide and 0,8 m height. The UHPFRC class C110 / 130 was chosen as a structural material with a dispersed steel reinforcement developed by Klokner Institute CTU in Prague.
Blank, M. - Bouška, P.
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In: Proceedings of the 12th International fib PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering. Praha: ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, 2018. p. 971-978. fib PhD Symposia. vol. 12. ISBN 978-80-01-06401-6.
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The Liben Bridge is a significant example of concrete construction in the Czech Republic. It was built between 1924-1928 according to the design of the architect Pavel Janák and engineer František Mencl. This article deals with variants of the reconstruction of the vault part of the Liben Bridge in terms of static operation. It focuses on the two basic problems of the bridge, the solution to increase the bearing capacity of the vault arches and to increase the bearing capacity of the foundations under pillars. The concept of repair is based on extensive diagnostic surveys and static and dynamic load tests conducted in 2017.
Hrabánek, M. - Kolísko, J. - Tej, P. - Vacek, V. - Míčka, T. - Junek, V. - Dobiáš, D. - Hládková, K. - Mourek, J., - Blank, M.
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[Research Report] Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Kloknerův ústav, 2018. Report no. 1700 J 019 - 01, 02, 03, 04.
Výzkumná zpráva
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Zpráva uvádí výsledky statických analýz zatížitelnosti konstrukcí mostu s ohledem na jejich aktuální stav zjištěný diagnostikou a z toho vyplývající nezbytná opatření, možnosti rekonstrukce, oprav a sanačních zásahů pro zajištění zatížitelnosti a životnosti konstrukcí mostu dle současných standardů.
Kněž, P. - Tej, P. - Čech, J., - Blank, M.
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The paper presents diagnostic and load tests of the Inundation bridge which is part of a group of bridges called The Libeň bridge group in Prague. The Libeň bridge group consists of two arched and several framed bridges spanning the Vltava river. One of the vaulted bridges consists of 5 arches and the other vaulted bridge (called Inundation bridge) consists of only one arch. Arched bridges are extraordinary structures with both technical and historical value. Since the inundation bridge has the largest arch of whole group, it was selected for testing purposes. The bridge is assembled with three-hinged arch made of concrete. The hinges are made of reinforced concrete and lead contact slabs. Detailed measurements of geometry and material properties were made on the bridge. Based on these measurements a computer model was created to verify the behavior of the structure. Both static and dynamic calculations were performed. Measurements of dynamic characteristics were made during normal operation and with hydraulic vibration exciter. This article will focus on comparing the results of dynamic calculation of the modeled structure and properties measured on real structure excited by hydraulic vibration exciter.
Tej, P. - Kněž, P., - Blank, M.
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In: 39th IABSE Symposium. Zürich: IABSE c/o ETH Hönggerberg, 2017. p. 361-365. ISBN 978-3-85748-153-6.
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This paper presents design, production and installation of an experimental thin-walled U-profile footbridge made of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) with dispersed steel fibers without any conventional reinforcement. Properties of UHPFRC leads to the design of very thin structures. In this case an experimental thin-walled U-profile footbridge with horizontal and vertical curvature was designed and manufactured. Single-span bridge has span of 10 m, clear width of 1.5 m with thickness of shell structure of 30 mm on the side guards and 45 mm on the deck. The paper presents a lots of calculation versions for optimization of the proposal bridge. Self-compacting character of UHPFRC with high flowability allowed casting the final structure in one piece without any vibration. Extensive research was done before production of footbridge. Large-scale specimens were casted and tested in laboratory. A technology of casting and production of formwork were tested and optimized many times because of complexity of whole experiment. Finally the paper presents detailed course on installation of the bridge in landscape and setting and results of static loading tests.
Tej, P. - Kněž, P. - Blank, M., - Císler, O.
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In: Performance -Based Approaches for Concrete Structures. Proceedings: Extended Abstracts and Keynotes. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, 2016. ISBN 978-2-88394-121-2.
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This paper presents the design of an experimental arch pedestrian bridge made of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC). The structure is designed as a permanent single-span bridge. The span of the bridge structure is 10.00 m, the total width of shell structure is 0.03 m, and the clearance width of the bridge is 1.50 m. The main structure of the bridge is one prefabricated arch shell structure made of UHPC with dispersed steel fibers without conventional reinforcement. Simultaneously with the designing of the bridge, computer analyses were created in which optimization of the material and geometric parameters of the structure were carried out. The presentation on the conference will contain also production and assembly of the pedestrian bridge. The presentation will include also long-term monitoring of the specimen of the shell structure in 1:1 scale and finally experimentally obtained load bearing capacity of the specimen. Production and testing of the bridge is scheduled for July 2016.
Tej, P. - Kněž, P. - Blank, M., - Císler, O.
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In: Arch Bridges in Culture. Arch Bridges in Culture, 2016. p. 669-674. ISBN 978-83-7125-265-5.
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This paper presents the design of an experimental arch pedestrian bridge made of ultrahigh performance concrete (UHPC). The structure is designed as a permanent singlespan bridge. The span of the bridge structure is 10.00 m, the total width of shell structure is 0.03 m, and the clearance width of the pedestrian bridge is 1.50 m. The main structure of the bridge is one prefabricated arch shell structure made of UHPC with dispersed steel fibres without conventional reinforcement. Simultaneously with the designing of the bridge, computer analyses were created in which optimization of the material and geometric parameters of the structure were carried out. The presentation on the conference will contain also production and assembly of the pedestrian bridge. The presentation will include also long-term monitoring of the specimen of the shell structure in 1:1 scale and finally experimentally obtained load bearing capacity of the specimen. Production and testing of the bridge is scheduled for April 2016.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Michal Kohout