Výzkumné projekty

Transformace urbánních struktur v globálním světě - příležitost, nebo hrozba?

Čechová, K.
Publikováno v
In: Proceedings of the International Doctoral Conference "Urban Environs in the Relation to Sustainable Development Agenda". Brno: MSD, 2013, pp. 46-55. ISBN 978-80-7392-222-1.
The issue of central railway brownfields regeneration is on the front burner of European cities, also becoming an issue in Prague. Focus of this paper lies in two centrally located railway stations in Prague, Masaryk station and Holešovice-Bubny station, having a long history of plans and projects behind. I identified two forces, lying in the background of most of the projects, forces significantly shaping the way railway brownfields redevelopment projects were proposed. These two forces – the increase of automobile traffic and the need for representation – were used as viewpoints from which to analyse the selected projects of the past, and which can serve as valid viewpoint for the analysis of the recent, contemporary and future projects.
Richtrová, K.
Publikováno v
In: Proceedings of the International Doctoral Conference "Urban Environs in the Relation to Sustainable Development Agenda". Brno: MSD, 2013, pp. 22-30. ISBN 978-80-7392-222-1.
Související lidé
Central square is the most stable point of the urban structure of most Czech cities. The current paradigm changes also lead to a change in meaning. Many public spaces in our cities represent shared misunderstanding of the city, and also of the meanings of basic terms, such as "square", "street", "public space" or "greenery". Analysis confronts squares of Czech cities built in different time periods with design principles of Camillo Sitte.
Kunešová, D.
Publikováno v
In: Proceedings of the International Doctoral Conference "Urban Environs in the Relation to Sustainable Development Agenda". Brno: MSD, 2013, ISBN 978-80-7392-222-1.
Increasing number of inhabitants in the cities force us to think how to use their potential effectively. At the same time, partly as consequence of world economic crisis, has increased number of vacant buildings and lots in the inner cities. One of the opportunties to solve this problem and stop the community decay is temporary use in short and meduim term periods. Originally monofunctional complexes are used for various mix of uses, for longer daytime. These charcteristics correspond with priciples of sustainabilty, promoted for example by the Resilient Cities network. This paper focuses on temporary use of vacant/abandoned CBDs and other complexes trying to reintegrate back into the city systém. On the example of Newcastle (NSW, Australia) it shows successful Renew Newcastle project, which helped to change declining central area to vibrant and socially attractive space.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.