
Visiting Professor Mirko Baum will lead the studio and present the constructions at the turn of the epochs

In the summer semester it will be possible to enroll in the studio of prof. Mirko Baum. His task is a new hangar for an airship in a scientific and research settlement in Spitsbergen. In addition, this renowned Czech architect will lead a workshop on construction at the turn of the epochs called Iron Mad, "saints - fools - gamblers", consisting of four lectures.
Studenti Ateliéru Baum s právě dokončeným modelem vzducholodi

In the summer semester 2019/2020 it was prepared for the students of the master's study by the Department of Building Construction I. Individual lectures are open to all interested persons. Mirko Baum pays tribute to all designers of the Industrial Revolution and will examine how they have influenced the work of today's civil engineers and architects.

The possibility of producing cast iron, iron and steel in an industrial way has changed the world. Mass production and affordability of these materials meant not only new forms of work since the end of the 18th century, but also a radical transformation of society and its aesthetic and economic-political thinking.

To measure this time with common art-historical concepts is doomed to failure. If Newcomen's invention of the atmospheric machine from 1711 was a High Baroque event, its refinement in the Rococo was a steam engine with a double-acting piston and a rocker-controlled rocker invented by James Watter in 1764.

Only when we compare our common associations, evoked by the terms baroque or rococo, we understand how abrupt the period of change, which we now call the industrial revolution, was. The era that laid the foundation for our present economics and our scientific and technological civilization. Although today the road becomes the subject of partially justified criticism, it remains the cornerstone of our faustic existence and of all our economic and scientific and technical activities.

All of Baum's lectures are open to the public and there is no need to reserve a place for them. Applicants from the Master's program who wish to obtain an assesment and two credits must register for the course and submit their final work after the course is completed. It will be an analysis of a freely chosen (preferably less known, existing or extinct) metal structure built between 1770 - 1914. The number of pages, including illustrations and list of sources used, is arbitrary, analytical-descriptive quality of the paper is necessary. The work is submitted on free unbound and numbered pages of A4 format and on CD.

In addition to these four consecutive lectures on construction at the turn of the era, Mirko Baum will also present, as a member, the SIAL Preschool bringing together young and promising architects in Stavoprojekt in Liberec.

Topics of all lectures, starting at 18.00

4. 3. 2020 About bees and screws: SIAL Preschool


25. 3. 2020 IRON MAD, saints - fools - gamblers: construction at the turn of the epochs - part one (cancelled)

15. 4. 2020 IRON MAD, saints - fools - gamblers: construction at the turn of the epochs - part two (cancelled)

6. 5. 2020 IRON MAD, saints - fools - gamblers: construction at the turn of the epochs - part three (cancelled)

27. 5. 2020 IRON MAD, saints - fools - gamblers: construction at the turn of the epochs - part four (cancelled)

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.