
The exhibition will present the results of a five-year project examining the origin and attributes of valuable sights of historic Czech cities

The exhibition Hidden Order and Inner Essence of Uniqueness of Historical Cities of the Czech Republic, which will take place from 1. 10. to 15. 11. 2020 in the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, was put together by authors from the Faculty of Architecture of the CTU and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the ASCR during the years 2016 - 2020. They analyzed the essential phenomena and attributes that create a comprehensive view of monumental values on the scale of urban units.

The aim of the research project NAKI II financed from the Program of Applied Research and Development of National Identity of the Czech Republic of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (project identification code: DG16P02R025, 2016–2020) was to create tools and methodologies to determine basic elements of complex identity their monumental values, especially their public spaces and very valuable documents of creative medieval location.

One of the outputs of the project is a functional sample of a hypothetical staging device "gromy". Its use was experimentally verified by field measurements to determine the achievable accuracy.

A certified methodology was also created as a tool for identifying and protecting the complex values of historic cities. The methodology is intended primarily for the assessment and evaluation of the attributes of declared urban monument reserves as the most valuable manifestations of urban urbanism, or urban monument zones. With its universality based primarily on a comprehensive set of urban criteria, supplemented by landscape and architectural criteria, it enables the assessment and evaluation of other protected areas, but also other parts of towns and villages.

All the results will be presented by a traveling exhibition entitled Hidden Order and Inner Essence of Uniqueness of Historical Cities of the Czech Republic, which begins on October 1, 2020 in the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in Prague, then will continue in České Budějovice, Pilsen and Telč. The exhibition will include a catalog.


  • prof. Ing. arch. Jan Jehlík (Concept, Project coordination, Evaluation)
  • Ing. arch. Tomáš Drdácký (Concept, Historical development, Analysis of floor plan)
  • JUDr. PhDr. Jiří Plos (Concept, Evaluation)
  • Ir. André Loits (Analysis of floor plan)
  • Ing. arch. Jana Zdráhalová, Ph.D. (Historical development, Space syntax, Survey)
  • Ing. arch. Vít Rýpar (Topographic plan, Basic map file, Algorithmic analyzes)
  • Ing. arch. Petr Buryška (Partial map files)
  • Ing. arch. Jan Sedlák (City image analysis)
  • doc. Ing. arch. Miroslav Cikán (City image analysis)
  • prof. Ing. arch. Michal Kohout (Analyzes of urban core use)


  • Jaroslav Buzek (Floor plan analysis)
  • Ing. Tomáš Zadražil (Floor plan analysis)
  • Ing. Jan Bryscejn (Floor plan analysis)
  • Ing. arch. Vojtěch Ertl (City image analysis)
  • Ing. arch. Jiří Mika (City image analysis)
  • Ing. arch. Šárka Jahodová (Analyzes of urban core use)
  • Ing. arch. Veronika Peňázová (Analyzes of urban core use)
  • Ing. arch et Mgr. Klára Nedvědová, Ph.D. (Survey)
  • Mgr. Jiří Čtyroký, Ph.D. (GIS)
  • MgA. Ester Havlová (Photographing the urban environment)
  • Ing. arch. Kateřina Koňata Dolejšová (Graphic work)
  • Ing. arch. Edita Lisecová (Production work)

Consultations (and thanks for irreplaceable help)

Ing. Jiří Bláha, Ph.D., PhDr. Josef Bláha, Ing. arch. Annamaria Bohuniczky, Ing. arch. PhDr. Lenka Burgerová, Ph.D., Rosemarie Dujardin, PhDr. Martin Ebel, Ph.D., doc. Ing. arch. Irena Fialová, Ing. arch. MgA. Michal Fišer, prof. Ing. arch. Pavel Gregor, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Pavel Hánek, CSc., prof. Dipl. Arch. ETH Dr. Christian Hanus, doc. Ing. arch. Milena Hauserová, CSc., doc. PhDr. Petr Hlaváček, Ph.D., Ing. arch. Patrik Hocke, Bc. Libor Honzárek, prof. Ing. arch. Petr Hrůša, Ing. Jaroslav Kocián, PhDr. Lubomír Konečný, arch. Antonio Moro, Ing. arch. Dana Novotná, Ph.D., Ing. Václav Slaboch, CSc., Mgr. Vladimír Staněk, Mgr. Pavel Šlézar, Ph.D., PhDr. Vítězslav Štajnochr, Ph.D., Ing. Karel Zoch, prof. PhDr. Josef Žemlička, DrSc. a pracovníci NPÚ, vybraných měst a krajských úřadů

Data processing

Jan Bittner, Adam Bujok, Zuzana Butelová, Ing. arch. Helena Cuřínová, Radek Čábel, Rozálie Domoráková, Rosemarie Dujardin, Markéta Hlaváčová, Ing. Pavel Hlavenka, Jan Holeček, Josef Holeček, Alžbeta Horáková, Ing. Pavel Chvátal, Vojtěch Jansa, Jan Kocián, Ing. Ivana Kociánová, Ing. arch. Lukáš Kopp, Ing. arch. Natália Kostelníková, Anna Křížová, Ing. arch. Kateřina Kulawiecová, Ing. arch. Barbora Langmajerová, Ing. arch. Monika Langová, Ing. Michael Macháček, Eliška Martínková, Hana Mojžíšová, Adéla Novanská, Eliška Pavelčíková, Eva Pažourková, Ing. arch. Anna Pflugová, Michaela Přibylová, Mária Pružincová, Kristýna Rosecká, Libuša Rybanská, Irena Skálová, Ondřej Sokolář, Martina Součková, Franziska Soukupová, Petr Stojaník, Ondřej Suk, Adéla Šeflová, Zuzana Urbánková, Antonín Topinka, Pavel Vacek, Ing. Jiří Vidman, Linda Vohnická, Marek Wagner, Mgr. et Mgr. Jana Zadražilová, Ing. arch. Alena Zmeškalová

Exhibition concept: Petr Buryška, Kateřina Dolejšová, Tomáš Drdácký, Jan Jehlík, Edita Lisecová

Production: Edita Lisecová

Graphic design and typesetting: Kateřina Koňata Dolejšová

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.