
Selection procedure for academic staff members

The Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the CTU in Prague, Thákurova 9, Prague 6, announces, in accordance with the Act 111/1998 Coll., a selection procedure for filling academic staff positions starting in the winter semester 2022/2023 or by agreement and with full-time positions according to the scope of work. Teaching in the Czech language or, for selected courses, in English is expected.

1) for Department of Theory and History of Architecture (D 15113):

  • 1 position of associate professor or assistant professor – lecturer in Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology with a focus on philosophy and its projections with architecture and with expected involvement in scientific research and publication activities of the Department.

Requirements: Master's or doctoral university education in the relevant field; for the position of associate professor, appointment in the field; professional qualities, scientific and publication activity including participation in conferences, experience as a lecturer. Active knowledge of English is expected, knowledge of another language and teaching experience at university are welcome.

2) for Department of Urbani Desing (D 15119):

  • 1 position of studio head with the rank of associate professor or assistant professor with the prospect of habilitation.

Requirements: Master's degree and at least 5 years of experience in the field of architecture and urban planning; for the position of associate professor appointment in the field, for the position of assistant professor prerequisites for the habilitation procedure; professional qualities and creative achievements in design, implementation and publication activities, active knowledge of the English language. Knowledge of another language and teaching experience at a university or college. Graduation from doctoral studies are welcome.

3) for Department of Architectural Design I (D 15127):

A) 1 assistant professor position in the studio Ing. arch. Vojtěch Sosna;

B) 4 assistant professors of architectural design studios (ZAN):

  • 1 assistant professor of ZAN Ing. arch. Daria Balejová Bártová;
  • 1 assistant professor of ZAN Ing. arch. Martina Buřičová;
  • 1 assistant professor of ZAN Ing. arch. Šárka Sodomková;
  • 1 assistant professor of ZAN doc. Ing. arch. Pavel Ullmann.

Requirements: Master's degree and at least 3 years of experience in architecture and urban planning; professional qualities and creative achievements in design, implementation and publication activities, active knowledge of English. Knowledge of another language and teaching experience at a university, event. a doctoral degree are welcome.

4) for Department of Architectural Desing II (D 15128):

A) 2 assistant professors of architectural design studios (ZAN):

  • 1 assistant professor of ZAN Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.;
  • 1 assistant professor of ZAN Ing. arch. Lucie Kirovová, Ph.D.

Requirements: Requirements: a master's degree and at least 3 years of experience in architecture and urban planning; professional qualities and creative achievements in design, implementation and publishing; active knowledge of English. Knowledge of another language and teaching experience at a university, possibly graduation from doctoral studies are welcome.

5) for Deparment of Desing (D 15150):

  • 1 position of studio head(s) with the rank of associate professor or assistant professor with the prospect of habilitation

Requirements: Master's degree and at least 5 years of experience in the relevant field; for the position of associate professor, appointment in the field, for the position of assistant professor, prerequisites for the habilitation procedure; professional qualities and creative achievements in the field of design, active knowledge of the English language. Knowledge of another language and teaching experience at a university, event. Graduation from doctoral studies are welcome.

Applicants will send with their application form:

  • a structured professional CV with an overview of professional, creative, teaching, publishing and scientific activities, including references (citations);
  • certified copies of evidence of higher education and academic degrees;
  • for positions focused on teaching studio work, examples of key works in A4 format;
  • for the positions of studio heads (positions ad 2 and ad 5) a written idea of the concept and focus of the studio, for the position of lecturer (position ad 1) a written idea of the concept and focus of the teaching of the subject and research.

By submitting an application, the candidate gives consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the selection procedure in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Applications with the required materials and contact details should be sent by registered mail within 30 days of publication to CTU in Prague - Faculty of Architecture, Personnel Department - Selection Procedure, Thákurova 9, 166 34 Prague 6 and simultaneously in electronic form to

in Prague 5. 5. 2022

doc. Ing. arch. Dalibor Hlaváček, Ph.D.


For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.