
Design by artificial intelligence and a new view of the housing estate. An exhibition of studio projects at the FA begins

The Faculty of Architecture of the CTU invites you to the ongoing exhibition of studio projects from the winter semester. It offers projects of almost seventy studios of Architecture and Urbanism, Landscape Architecture and Design. The opening will take place on Thursday, 18 January at 6 pm.
© Jiří Ryszawy

The exhibition offers a detailed look at the training of the young architectural, landscape and design generation. Students examine real-world assignments, often in collaboration with city governments, addressing topics such as housing, environmental protection, historic preservation, or technology development. In the winter semester, the Fišer-Nezpěváková studio was looking for ways to use artificial intelligence tools in product design. The students confronted their work with the output of AI, which was given the same assignment. Karolína Petřeková designed an outdoor solar Wi-Fi antenna "Artificial intelligence came up with a new solution in the form of a solar fabric umbrella and helped me to verify the technological procedures. AI can help designers get out of creative block and look for solutions that they wouldn't normally think of," she explains about working on the studio project.

In the stormy waters were the students of the Balejová-Mrázová first year studio. They designed a workshop on Libeň Island in Prague to build a sailing ship similar to the one in which the sailor Michal Krysta crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 2021.

The Salzmann Landscape studio delved into the story of the village of Prameny, originally a mining town in the former Sudetenland. After the war, it lost a large part of its inhabitants and houses to a military training area, and in the 1990s, financial problems also affected the village. The other side of the economic decline is the well-preserved surrounding nature - part of the Slavkovský les Protected Landscape Area. The aim of the students was to design a comprehensive development solution, and they worked on the project with the Redčenkov-Danda studio and ZAN Amblerová.

Highways cut the landscape in all directions, monumental symbols of our civilization, in one of their three dimensions, endless structures. Alone in their greatness, however, they lack a surrounding architecture with a mental context to match the magnificence of highways. It is these structures that the students of the Sosna-Filsak studio have been focusing on during the winter semester.

Petřiny as an open process with no end in sight. The Zmek-Krýzl-Novotný studio went to one of Prague's oldest housing estates. They investigated whether it is possible to find an alternative to block development as a universal form of urban design. To what extent can the existing settlement structure be thickened and multiplied? Students explored the limits of the possible, pushing them and looking for completely new forms. They presented their projects by incorporating a prefabricated 1-bedroom apartment into a school studio.

Jaroš design studio turns to traditional materials. The first assignment was to work with cast iron. Is it a forgotten technology or is it applicable to the present? The second assignment was to design an engagement ring. Is its symbolism still of value today, or is tradition sacred? Neither material, technology nor colour was the limit.

The exhibition of studio projects can be visited until 9 February 2024 daily from 9.00 to 18.00. Entrance is barrier-free and free of charge. All projects created by students of FA CTU can be viewed online, the first years have their own web gallery.

© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy
© Jiří Ryszawy

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.