Research Centre for Industrial Heritage (RCIH)

The Research Centre for Industrial Heritage at the Department of Theory and History of Architecture is involved in the research, conservation and new use of technical monuments, and industrial buildings and complexes.

The Research Centre for Industrial Heritage maps the industrial heritage in the Czech Republic, participates in the scientific, pedagogical, publication and public education activities during projects for the conservation of industrial heritage and commemorates the historical experience and goal of sustainable development. The interdepartmental orientation connects the activity of a wide spectrum of professionals and institutions in the Vestiges of Industry platform.

It is a member of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH). Since 2016, it has been the promoter of the Industrial Architecture research project. A monument of industrial heritage as a technical/architectural work and as the identity of a place in the NAKI II program of applied research and development of  national and cultural identity of the Czech Ministry of Culture.

For the content of this site is responsible: Mgr. Jan Zikmund, Ph.D.