© Jiří Ryszawy

Ing. Zuzana Štemberová

Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture


1993-1998 Faculty of Horticulture, Mendel University in Brno


since 2019 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, atelier Šik - external lecturer
since 2021 FA CTU in Prague - external lecturer
since 2023 FA CTU in Prague - Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture


2020 Manual of Public Spaces for KAM Liberec (author of the section on landscape architecture)
2023 Manual of Blue-Green Infrastructure for KAM Liberec (co-author)
since 2023 Erasmus+: LANDSCAPE IN FOCUS - Tools For Small Municipalities For Sustainable Landscape (project and research team)


since 2023 Conference In-Between Landscapes - co-organizer, garant


1998-2013 independent practice
since 2013 atelier Terra Florida
since 2020 member of the board of the Czech Association for Landscape Architecture (ČAKA)
since 2021 member of the board and editor of the web portal about landscape architecture DO PARKU
2017–2020 Motolské údolí - urban study of the area around Plzeňská and Vrchlického streets - partially responsible for landscape architecture (co-author)
2018–2024 Study and design of V Zápolí park, Prague 4 (co-author)
2019 Urban and landscape conceptual study and related projects Railway Promenade and Linear Park Vršovice - Strašnice (co-authorship)
2019–2020 Urban landscape study Barrandov (co-author, partially responsible for landscape architecture - public spaces and park, blue-green infrastructure concept)
2019–23 Via Sancta Vinoř - design of a residential complex and park (co-author and partially responsible for landscape architecture - public spaces and park, concept of blue-green infrastructure)
2020–doposud Spatial studies and follow-up projects landscape and intravilan of the municipalities of Vědomice, Račiněves, Černěves, Hrobce, etc. (co-author of the concept and a portion of the landscape architecture)
2021–22 Study and design of a forest kindergarten Parukářka, Prague 2 (co-authorship and project management)
2022 Urbanistic and landscape study of Motolka Park, Prague 5 (co-author, project leader)
2022 Libčice embankment, competition design 2nd place (co-authorship)
2023 Exhibition Park Motolka, Prague 5 (co-authorship)

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. Zuzana Štemberová