
doc. Ing. arch. Dalibor Hlaváček, Ph.D.

Dean of the FA CTU, Head of the Department of Architectural Design II, head of studio HLAVÁČEK – ČENĚK, member of the Academic Senate of the CTU, member of EAAE Committee


2019 FA CTU, associate professor for the field of Architecture
2015 authorized architect, ČKA 4375
2011 FA CTU, doctoral study program Architecture and Urbanism, dissertation topic: Natural materials in architecture, supervisor doc. Ing. arch. Eduard Schleger
2005 FA CTU, master's study program Architecture and Urbanism, master's diploma project: Study and Scientific Library of Hradec Králové, supervisor prof. Ing. arch. Tomáš Šenberger
2001–2002 internship at Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Genoa
2000–2001 study internship at Fakultät für Architektur, RWTH Aachen, Germany (within the Erasmus program)
1998 study internship at the College of Architecture, Planning and Design, Kansas State University, Manhattan - Kansas, USA

Professional Acitivty

since 2008 own architectural studio (idhea architects)
2005–2008 Hlaváček a partner (now Hlaváček architekti)

Teaching Activity

since 2018 FA CTU, Head of the Department of Design Studio II
2017 external critic within the Thesis Forum (defence of diploma projects) at the Mackintosh School of Architecture
since 2014 FA CTU, Head of the studio
since 2011 lecturer within the course Ecology I (guarantor of the course Prof. Ing. arch. ir. Zdeněk Zavřel, dr. h. c.)
2011–2013 team leader of CTU Solar Decathlon 2013
2008–2014 FA CTU, studio Eduard Schleger, assistant professor
2005–2007 FA CTU, studio Eduard Schleger, teaching within doctoral studies

Academic activity

since 2017 member of the Academic Senate of FA CTU
since 2017 member of the Committee for Development and Quality at AS CTU
since 2017 member of the Legislative Committee at AS CTU and AS FA CTU
2016 member of the Committee for Science, Creative Activities and Doctoral Study Committee at AS CTU and member of the Committee for Development at AS CTU
2014–2016 member of the Committee KRaV at AS CTU
2011–2013 member of the Economic Committee at AS CTU
since 2011 member of the Academic Senate of CTU

Professional activity

2018 member of the Scientific Committee CESB (Central Europe towards Sustainable Building) 2019
since 2015 member of the Steering Committee of the EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education)
2015 member of the EAAE Education Academy
2012 member of the Scientific Committee CESB (Central Europe towards Sustainable Building) 2013


2019 Special Prize of the Construction of the Year of the Central Bohemian Region 2019. Mast with a view
2019 Finalist of the Grand Prix of the Community of Architects. Reconstruction of the functionalist villa "Indian ship"
2019 Big See Architecture Award – residential projects. Reconstruction of the functionalist villa "Indian ship"
2016 3rd place in the international architectural competition New Town Hall for Prague 7
2015 Construction of the Year 2015 - Public Award. AIR House, CTU Information Center
2015 Construction of the Year 2015 - Award of the Foundation for the Development of Architecture. AIR House, CTU Information Center
2014 The winning project of the E.ON Energy Globe Award 2014 - AIR House
2013 Solar Decathlon 2013 - 1st place in the discipline of Architecture, 2nd place in the discipline of Technology, 3rd place in the discipline of Attractiveness for the market and 3rd overall place. AIR House
2011 1st place in the competition for the best attic housing. Mini-loft Bubeneč, Prague
2010 Construction of the Year 2010 - nomination for the Award of the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic for energy efficiency. Set of underground houses, Horní Počernice, Prague (with Michal Hlaváček, Václav Kruliš)
2010 Construction of the Year 2010 - nomination for the Award of the State Housing Development Fund for the best construction intended for housing. A set of underground houses, Horní Počernice, Prague. (with Michal Hlaváček, Václav Kruliš)
2007 Honorable mention in the competition show Czech Interior. Family house Semčice
2005 Nomination for the European Museum of The Year Lisbon 2006 Award. Museum of Glass and Jewelery in Jablonec n./N.
2005 Construction of the year 2005 of the Liberec region. Museum of Glass and Jewelery in Jablonec n./N.
2004 1st place in the Gloria Musaealis National Competition in the Museum Deed of the Year 2004 category. Museum of Glass and Jewelery in Jablonec n./N.

Design–build projects

2019 Mast with a view (Libčice nad Vltavou)
2019 Shelter Kømen (KRNAP)
2019 Shelter Atüln (KRNAP)
2017 Footbridge over Hluboká ditch (KRNAP)
2015 Staircase
2014 AIR House - CTU Information Center
2013 AIR House – Solar Decathlon 2013

Selected projects

2019-2020 Apartment house Kroftova, Prague
2019 Villa Chuchle, Prague
2018 Reconstruction of the functionalist villa "Indian ship", Prague
2017 Letenské sady - surroundings of Hanavský pavilion and western entrance, Prague
2015 Reconstruction and completion of an apartment building in Újezd, Prague (with Hlaváček architekti)
2012 Low-energy houses, Sedlec u Líbeznic (with Hlaváček architekti)
2012 Residential complex Horní Počernice III, Prague (with Hlaváček architekti)
2012 Reconstruction and completion of a terraced house in Ořechovka, Prague
2012 Mini-loft Bubeneč, Prague
2010 Set of underground houses, Horní Počernice, Prague (with Hlaváček architekti)
2010 Revitalization and completion of the Arabská Grammar School, Prague (with Hlaváček architekti)
2008 Family homestead Fojtka, Mníšek u Liberce (with Hlaváček architekti)
2007 Family house Nebušice, Prague
2007 Letenské sady Information System, Prague
2006 Reconstruction of an apartment building in Náplavní, Prague
2005 Slavia Exhibition, Škoda Auto Museum, Mladá Boleslav
2005 High Museum of Arts, Atlanta, USA (with Renzo Piano Building Workshop)
2004 Exposition of the Museum of Glass and Jewelery in Jablonec n./N. (with Hlaváček architekti)

Selected publications

  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor a ZAVŘEL, Zdeněk. Teaching a Sustainable Approach on CTU - Faculty of Architecture. In: Teaching a new Environmental Culture – The Environment as a Question of Architectural Education. Leuven: EAAE European Association for Architectural Education, 2011. pp. 445-451. ISBN: 978-2-930301-51-889
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Stavební materiály. In: HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor ed. Architektura a ekologie. Praha: ČVUT, Fakulta architektury, 2013. pp. 118-135. ISBN: 978-80-01-05255-6.
  • ČENĚK, Martin, HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor, ROTTOVÁ, Kateřina. AIR House. In: Ročenka dřevostaveb 2013. Praha: Prodesi, 2013. pp. 30-31. ISBN: 978-80-905174-2-4.
  • KASALOVÁ, Hana, ČENĚK, Martin, HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor, KIROVOVÁ, Lucie, ROTTOVÁ, Kateřina, ZEMENOVÁ, Lucie. Solar Decathlon. In: Historická zkušenost v architektuře a udržitelný rozvoj. Praha: Nakladatelství ČVUT, 2012. pp. 67-70. ISBN 978-80-01-04988-4.
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor, ČENĚK, Martin. Hands-On: Getting Dirty in Architectural Education. In: Abstract book of 2019 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference – Practice of Teaching | Teaching of Practice: the Teacher’s Hunch. Antwerpen: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 2019. pp. 199-201.
  • ČENĚK, Martin, HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Building Integrated Photovoltaics from the perspective of sustainable architecture. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Teaching Photovoltaics IWTPV’18. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018. pp. 76-78. ISBN: 978-80-01-06402-3
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Jak jsme závodili se Sluncem. In: Udržitelné zdroje energie jako integrální součást návrhu domu - týmová spolupráce na projektu pod vedením architekta. Praha: ČVUT, Fakulta architektury, 2014. pp. 10-13. ISBN: 978-80-01-05464-2
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Dům na cestách. In: Udržitelné zdroje energie jako integrální součást návrhu domu - týmová spolupráce na projektu pod vedením architekta. Praha: ČVUT, Fakulta architektury, 2014. pp. 64-69. ISBN: 978-80-01-05464-2
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Integral Design in Context of the U. S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon. In: CESB 13 - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2013 (Extended proceedings). Praha: ČVUT v Praze, 2013. pp. 551-554. ISBN: 978-80-247-5018-7
  • SOJKOVÁ, Kateřina, VOLF, Martin a HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. AIR House – A Solar Decathlon Competition Prototype – In-Depth Energy Analyses as a Tool for a High-Quality Design. In: CESB 13 Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2013. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2013. pp. 587-590. ISBN: 978-80-247-5018-7
  • ZAVŘEL, Zdeněk, HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Teaching Sustainable Approach in Architecture School. In: Central Europe towards Sustainable Building. Prague: Czech Technical University, 2010. pp. 783-786. ISBN: 978-80-247-3624-2
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Stavební materiály. In: HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor ed. Architektura a ekologie. Praha: ČVUT, Fakulta architektury, 2013. pp. 118-135. ISBN: 978-80-01-05255-6.
  • ČENĚK, Martin, HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor, ROTTOVÁ, Kateřina. AIR House. In: Ročenka dřevostaveb 2013. Praha: Prodesi, 2013. pp. 30-31. ISBN: 978-80-905174-2-4.
  • KASALOVÁ, Hana, ČENĚK, Martin, HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor, KIROVOVÁ, Lucie, ROTTOVÁ, Kateřina, ZEMENOVÁ, Lucie. Solar Decathlon. In: Historická zkušenost v architektuře a udržitelný rozvoj. Praha: Nakladatelství ČVUT, 2012. pp. 67-70. ISBN 978-80-01-04988-4.
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor ed. Architektura a ekologie. Praha: ČVUT, Fakulta architektury, 2013. 180 s. ISBN: 978-80-01-05255-6.
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor, LIESLER, Lukáš, ROTTOVÁ, Kateřina a SCHLEGER, Eduard. Zdraví a krása. Přírodní materiály a zdravé stavby. Praha: ČVUT, Fakulta architektury, 2008. 130 s. ISBN: 978-80-01-04012-6.
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Most přes řeku Alfenz. BETON-technologie, konstrukce, sanace. 2017, 17 (4), pp. 80. ISSN 1213-3116.
  • ČENĚK, Martin, HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor, Zmizelé kostely severních Čech. BETON – technologie, konstrukce, sanace. 2017, 17 (1/2017), pp. 14-17. ISSN 1213-3116.
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Kaple sv. Jana Nepomuckého. BETON-technologie, konstrukce, sanace. 2017, 17 (1/2017), pp. 62. ISSN 1213-3116.
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Bůh dlí v betonu. BETON-technologie, konstrukce, sanace. 2017, 17 (1/2017), pp. 2. ISSN 1213-3116.
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. AIR House! Zlatý řez. 2013, (36), pp. 84-87. ISSN 1210-4760.
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor. Přírodní materiály: historie nebo naděje? Zlatý řez. 2012, (34), pp. 6-17. ISSN 1210-4760.
  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor, HLAVÁČEK, Michal. Přístavba šaten Gymnázia Arabská. BETON – technologie, konstrukce, sanace. 2010, No. 06, pp. 08. ISSN: 1213-3116.

Media appearances

  • Studio 6 České televize: Studenti staví útulny do Krkonoš. 21. 1. 2019
  • BBC Arabic – 4Tech: AIR House. 23. 8. 2016
  • Fokus Václava Moravce: U konce s energií. 6. 10. 2015
  • Český rozhlas – Dvojka: AIR House. 18. 7. 2013
  • Studio 6 České televize: Solární dům studentů ČVUT. 17. 7. 2013
  • Český rozhlas – Radio Wave: Solární desetiboj aneb jak zazářit. 4. 9. 2012
  • Český rozhlas Radiožurnál: Host radiožurnálu – Jak vypadá soběstačný dům, co umí inteligentní membrána a jak se dostat mezi 20 univerzitních návrhů planety. 11. 2. 2012.
  • Studio 6 České televize: Architektonická soutěž Solar Decathlon. 9. 2. 2012
  • Události České televize: Česká architektura boduje. 2. 2. 2012

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Dalibor Hlaváček, Ph.D.