doc. Ing. arch. Tomáš Efler
Head of the Department of Architectural Heritage Conservation, Head of Design Studio Efler
doc. Ing. arch. Tomáš Efler, associate professor
For a long time, he has devoted himself to the relationship between building history, heritage preservation and architectural creation on campus in his teaching activities as well as in his own design and implementation practice. The subject of his theoretical and practical interest is historical architecture in the Central European area, related construction-historical and technical research and the possibilities of restoration, presentation and interpretation of architectural heritage. In the academic environment as well as in architectural practice, he deals with conceptual approaches and technological possibilities for the repair and revitalization of historic buildings and sites, the support of restoration, construction crafts and the application of historical and modern technologies in relation to the qualified care of architectural cultural heritage and its meaningful use as part of responsible care o urban and rural settlements, cultural landscape and environment.
The Department of Architectural Heritage Conservation
The mission of the Department of Architectural Heritage Conservation consists in accompanying building historians, preservationists and, above all, architects in preparation for competent, responsible and cultured handling of architectural, building, urban and landscape heritage based on a thorough understanding of its values and diverse possibilities for their protection, revitalization, contemporary presentation and interpretation within the framework of multidisciplinary dialogue and international cooperation in response to the global challenges of the future of our civilization.
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