
Ing. Vladimír Sitta

Head of the studio Sitta

He completed his studies at the MZLU in Brno in the field of landscape architecture. After a patient and unnecessary waiting for change, he emigrated to West Germany in 1979 and then to Australia. Australia is his second home to this day. In 2012, he was approached by the former dean Zdeněk Zavřel and his wife, a former ABC theater actress, to try it out in Prague. He has never been a member of any organization except a climbing club. Only in 2016, forced by circumstances, he became the authorized landscape architect ČKA with restrictions related to the authorization A3. In the world, of course, these restrictions are either symbolic or none. This is evidenced by the scope of activities: Landscape architecture, architecture, urbanism, land art, monuments, designs mostly outdoor furniture, scenography, graphic design, drawing, ceramics, exhibition installation, so-called imagineering for which there is no Czech equivalent, but it was related to themed parks and occasionally some contribution to the professional press. These activities are either a sign of restlessness or curiosity. Let others judge it. Nevertheless, the focus of interest is and always has been landscape architecture in the widest possible definition.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. Zuzana Štemberová