Final projects

New Building of Municipal Library

Bujok Adam

Architecture and Urbanism, Bachelor Project


The new city library aims to answer the problem of Štěpánčin Park, a strikingly undefined, artless space within the urban landscape. The new project is an extension of an unfinished construction/block. The project commenced as an attempt to complete the construction and sketch out a definition of the park through its reinserting into the urban context. The new city library defines the park without interfering; it creates its new frontier by adding a sense of purpose. The library masks itself not to distract the visitor from the park’s terrain. It is framed by a colonnade as a well-articulated and intuitive space, which divides the new structure from the original construction. The colonnade defines the space between the park and the library, as an antechamber, a space, which instructs us in navigating the wider space upon entering. The park becomes more frequented, pleasanter, an utilised space. The original construction is completed and repurposed.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.