Final projects

Conversion of the iron ore storage object in Kladno

Bc. Štefan Molnár

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


Project transform the iron ore storage object in Kladno into cultural and leisure centre of proposal new quarter in area of former ironworks „huť Koněv“ (Vojtešská huť). Its central position in the area makes it suitable for creating a new urban center. Current object is functionally divided at four parts. Cultural center with exhibition space and multifunctional hall, city spa and vertical gardens. Unloading ramp is adapted to the suspension covered square. It also contains bicycle path coming trough the weighing bridge. Range of functionality supplements extension of the apartement units. The core of proposal is to maintain a strong expression of the current object, which gives the identity of its surroundings and unique atmosphere to newly designed interior parts

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.