Final projects

Stream Modla as a connection

Bc. Monika Prostředníková

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


The area is located in Nothern Bohemia, close to Lovosice. The area is part of the southern edge of protected landscape CHKO České Středohoří, which plays an important role of natural oasis between the coal plateau and intensive agricultural land and has quite big regional recreational potential.  We can find many touristic and cycling routes there. The stream Modla which flows through some towns in that area and connects them with the protected landscape has a big unused potential.The project uses the stream as a key to find recreational potential and improve nature conditions and public spaces in the area. It creates a connection between the dwellings and recreational areas using architectural and ecological tools.  The project identifies places for design interventions and do the designing.In detail is then designed part of the area. Design brings potencial by proposing new cyclistic and touristic routes in existing network and designing some certain points on it. Possitive affect on the area should have the retential basin on floods, animals and of course on people beause of bathing in it, walking around.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.