Final projects

Glass school Klatovy

Bc. Ivona Náterová

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


The aim of the project is to create background for functioning of the entire glass school. The school contains of five different workshops including its own glasswork hut placed in the new building, which also includes a gallery where the school can present itself. It should also work as a support for the existing Glass Pavillion PASK in Klatovy. The workshops are recommended to be used by the public after schoolhours. Moreover for the glasswork hut a commercial use is expected. The exibition space is designed to be quite flexible therefore it could have various uses. The school also includes a technological programme to expand posibilities for the graduates. The art programme has, besides the glasswork specialization, additional specializations for fashion and product design and painting. It is presumed for the school to have regional impact. To accomodate incoming students I decided to transform the old textile factory into a dormitory.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.