Final projects

Transport Hub in La Aguacatala

Peláez Pablo

Architecture and Urbanism, MA diploma project


La Aguacatala is set to undergo major transformations with the addition of the river train and the 80tha Avenue light train. The relocation of FLA will pave the way for a mixed-use development strategy incorporating residential and commercial structures, as well as pedestrian-friendly city blocks. A transport HUB will be established to cater to both residents and visitors, enhancing the overall urban living experience. By integrating the river train and metro station into a unified structure on the west bank. passengers will benefit from direct transfers, waiting zones, dining options, and sustainable solar energy generation. The establishment of a transport hub will further elevate the areas appeal offering convenience and accessibility to all who pass trough, By seamlessly integrating different modes of transportation and amenities.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.