Erasmus Exhibition

Campus pot QUT

Ngoc Thi Anh Leová


Campus pot. My intension was to create a playful place to rest from everyday duties, a place within the campus that would be actually very different from everything we see in the campus, a place that would maybe take you to your childhood. Once you climb up and make yourself comfortable, you could just watch the textile flying above your head. My intension was to evoke this theatrical and emotional feeling to the whole structure. This pot was designed for people to relax and to perceive the surroundings.

my key experience from erasmus

My main experience during the semester at QUT was working on a variety of tasks. One task took approximately 3 weeks, so I had to work efectively nad rather fast, the big emphasis was on conceptual part of the work. I have learnt how to connect more sources and disciplines too (mainly because we had to work with students studying different fields). I think the biggest outcome for me is looking at things from different perspectives.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.