Exhibition of Studio Projects

Digital imprint of human identity

MgA. Gabriela Hádek


The task of the studio Karel-Šafařík represents a human behaviour alias digital imprint human identity within Augmented reality. I dealt with impact of digital technologies on our everyday life. What impact can we expect if we use augmented reality in ordinary life? This issue is very connected with spending time on social media.This media has unhealthy impact on our psyche (stress, unfocuss, anxienty,fobias), behaviour and habbits. My goal was to point out these mentioned issues and show the result (mental illness for example) of the negative impact of digital technologies themselves. Final concept is based on biological principles of parasitical organism, which is metaphore for amount of spending time on mobile phone (social media).

For the content of this site is responsible: prof. ak. soch. Marian Karel