Exhibition of Studio Projects


The area in question is located on the former site of the Vojtěšská Steelworks, situated to the east of the city center of Kladno. The area is bordered by major roads: Gen. Klapálka Street to the south, Dukelských hrdinů Street to the west, Huťská and Dubská Streets to the north, and the power plant complex to the east. In our proposal, we aimed to work with the character of the original area while considering the future and development of Kladno. We sought out objects, elements, structures, and lines that characterize the area. One of the key elements we decided to preserve is the railway line. This decision allowed us to create a central point of our proposal, a vast green park that has the potential to become a hub of social and recreational life in the city.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Ivan Plicka, CSc.