ZAN projects


Adéla Vozábová


Forest Shed Gallery is located in a peaceful place in southern Bohemia. It is intended for nature lovers and admirers of the photographer and cameraman Jiří Petr. The whole concept of the gallery was based on the theme of a birdhouse, because Jiří Petr, a trained ornithologist, is known mainly for birds photographing. The design was created based on the relationship between man and nature and their harmony. The aim of the gallery is to have a calming effect on the individual and to provide him with a refuge from reality - a fast, urban, constantly hectic life. The main exhibition area is situated in the treetops. It therefore allows visitors to see the surroundings from a bird's eye view and that induces a feeling of freedom and unboundedness.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. Michaela Brožová