Design Computing II - Architecture

In this course contemporary architecture is studied through the lens of computational methods. It is shown how in the past 30 years the relationship between architecture, theory, materials, and computation has transformed. Principles of parametric design, performative design, and generative design are presented and discussed in-depth through cases of key buildings and architects. Special attention is devoted to interactive architecture. A number of contemporary key issues in architectural theory are brought in relation with computational approaches. Practical application in this course is tested through Arduino prototyping. Arduino enables the creation of interactive structures using sensors, controllers, and Processing programming language. By creating a number of interactive applications students will learn the basic technological principles of interactive architecture. Keywords - contemporary design methodology, advanced parametric design, rapid prototyping, AI, robotics, automation, simulation, analysis, optimization, CAD / CAM, data mining, advanced data processing.

The minimum number of students to open the course is 5. EXCEPTION for self-paying students: if there are less than 5 students, the course will be taught in consultations.

For the content of this site is responsible: RNDr. Jiří Šrubař, Ph.D.