Design Studio - Urban Design

The goal of the course unit is for the student to acquire the ability to elaborate a project involving the problems of urban design on various scales, through the practical use of knowledge and basic concepts acquired in urban subjects of study. In the analytical phase of the work the student works with information about the territory. This deals with the wider relationships involved, the physical space and its perception, use of objects and areas, flows of people, materials and energies. The output is a problem map - a depiction of constraints and potentials. In the conceptual phase, the student creates a vision - use, spatial structure and granularity of the space  in question - documented by a working model. The design phase solves the position of the area in the context of the city or region, floor plans indicating spatial arrangement and use, general sections or elevation views illuminating the height solution (usually on a scale up to two more detailed than floor plans), visualisation of the whole axonometry), several visualisations of the main public spaces usually from the normal horizon, transport solutions including pedestrian and public transport and traffic at rest and, a design implementation procedure - diagrams of individual phases. An integral part of the work is a text explaining the design principles. A final model is recommended.

For the content of this site is responsible: RNDr. Jiří Šrubař, Ph.D.