
Mikael Ekegren

odborný asistent ateliéru Hanson

Mikael is a Swedish practicing architect with 16 years of teaching experience at Chalmers University, Gothenburg Sweden, but also from CVUT in Prague and TU-Dresden with support of the Erasmus+ program. In addition to Swedish, Mikael is fluent in English and German.

Architecture is about expressing ambition. If done with control and care the built environment tells a story about architects and builders having invested their skills to enrich the life of people. If not,it only expresses cynicism, which unfortunately is increasingly common in contemporary building culture. There are also projects adopting an individualistic expressive pose, closely related to those of the entertainment industry. This approach leads to “unsocial” buildings not being interested in visually engaging with neither their neighbours nor the landscape where they are situated.

I believe the alternative is an approach of refining convention, to empirically seek and improve profound qualities which have survived over time; quiet, robust and truly sustainable, connected to the long human experience of building.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.